Monday, January 11, 2010

All is good in the hood :)

So it has taken a little while for the Browers to get back in the swing of things since the holidays but I think we are finally starting to catch up! Reese had a pretty bad funk last week and another ear infection but she has recovered wonderfully... See ya snotty nose!
It is 11 days late but we are starting on some resolutions! (Better late than never?!) My big resolution is to start working out again. I have taken a major vacation from it since we went to the beach in August, but, I got up at 6:30 this morning for a run and I have to say I have been quite productive today! Let's just hope I can keep it up... As for Reese, her resolution...and I guess mine to kick the potty training in high gear!! She goes to the bathroom when we ask and gets really excited when she does go potty, we just need to work on going more until finally NO DIAPERS!! Ahh, I can't wait! I think as soon as we really start to take it serious, i.e. making her go to the potty 50x a day, she will catch on fast. It is just rather exhausting :) I need some encouragement and, obviously this is my first attempt at potty training, any advice will be more than welcome!! I'll keep everyone updated.
Other than that, there isn't much going on in Atlanta. We have no big plans until the end of the month so we are looking forward to a few relaxing weeks.
A little side note - I posted a new blog to the side under "Reese's Favorite Blogs" called Bring The Rain. I'm sure some have already seen it but to those of you who haven't I highly suggest reading it. The original story is honestly indescribable but I find her daily/weekly post really inspirational. She seems to be a very wise woman and we could all stand to know a few more of those!

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