Monday, February 8, 2010

New Crayons

This morning we made our own Valentine's Day cards! We spent the morning coloring, gluing and glittering!! Reese really enjoys coloring so I thought this morning was a perfect time for her to color away. We each made one for Robert and a few of our other special friends.

I think these beat the expensive ones from the store hands down!

We spent the majority of our afternoon at the pediatricians office. Reese has a snotty nose that just wont go away and I was really afraid she was getting another ear infection. I have a feeling we are going to be making a trip to the ENT soon :( But they said her ears actually didn't look infected yet so it could be another infection developing or trouble from her two year molars. Either way, we started taken some Motrin because she has just been so whiny lately. I know she is just uncomfortable for whatever reason. We are going to start doing saline solution twice a day and using a humidifier to avoid more ear problems!

We rounded off the day with a nice trip to the park. Crazy to hear that our Tennessee friends and family were building snowmen because it was about 55 and sunny here! Surprisingly that's about all we have going on. I'm not complaining though :)

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