Monday, February 15, 2010


Well, last Friday Atlanta finally got snow!!! We (I) were so excited!! It really surprised everyone. No sooner than I told my mom "It's too warm for snow and if it does it won't stick," the snow started coming and didn't stop until early Saturday. It was a kind of wet snow and the roads luckily never got very icy around us. It was sunny all day Saturday and Sunday so it all melted pretty fast. But we had oh so much fun while it was here :)

Reese was so curious! We watched patiently from inside for a while, again thinking oh it will never stick. We made Valentine's cupcakes and when we were through with those we looked outside and everything was covered!! We didn't exactly have "snow" gear but we made do! When Robert got home he showed her how to make snow balls and slip and slide on the slick spots.

Saturday we went to Waffle House and the park with our friends Gavin and Camden and their dog Sulley. Reese was beyond thrilled to see Sulley! We had fun at the park even though by that time it was more muddy than snowy. Robert and Gavin tried to make a little sled for Reese but it just didn't work :( Maybe next time...

Some might say it takes a big heart to love Sulley ;) but Reese loves, loves her!! This video barely shows Reese's HUGE grin and squills she had chasing Sulley around.

We got just enough snow to have fun with it but not to be stuck inside all weekend. I wish more of our family and friends could have been here with us. This was technically Reese's first snow and she enjoyed it so much. I hope the pictures and short, goofy videos help everyone share it with us :)

Here are a few more pictures from the snow!

1 comment:

Prayer Warriors said...

It's all soooo sweet! I love the picture by the window. And the videos are wonderful =)