Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Age: 2 months {Anderson & Griffin}

 The boys are officially 2 months old! Where has the time gone?!
These sweet toots are packing on the pounds and I think starting to look more alike.
Griffin, you are a hearty eater! Which I think is what also makes you a solid sleeper. When you are actually awake, you usually like to lay and chill. You are really starting to notice everything going on around you and like to take it all in!
Height - 23 inches
Weight - 11.2 lbs
Anderson, you are turning out to be quite a little handful! You are as sweet as can be but you just want a little more attention :) You usually like to be held, and by usually I mean all the time. You eat slower than your brother but I think that just means you like to savor the attention!
Height - 23 inches
Weight - 10.14 lbs
Both boys are drinking 3-4 ounces every 3 hours. They are going 4-5 hours straight at night and taking at least 2 solids naps during the day.
Here is one last funny picture of Griffin - he was a little more cooperative with the pictures today!

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