Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have quite a lot going on this month. Last weekend was my birthday and some of my UT freinds came in town. It was a WONDERFUL treat! Not that Robert and Reese didn't do a great job of treating me ;) but I forget how much I love those girls. They are always so sweet to Reese and she definately shows out for them. She was passing out kisses left and right. I can't wait until they start to have kids =)

This week we are packing up! We are leaving our cozy little apartment just to move across town but boy do we have a lot of stuff!! I've tried to go through things as I pack which makes it an even bigger job but hopefully it will make unpacking not so dreadful. Once we get settled in we want visitors! Speaking of...Nicole and Cabe are coming to visit for their fall break and we are so so excited! I'm sure I'll have lots of funny stories about that next week.

In the midst of all of the chaos, Reese has for some reason decided not to sleep. I haven't been able to figure out why yet and it's killing us all! She is known to have tummy aches so I've been very careful about what I feed her and I have given her some Motrin in case it's teething pains. So far, none of that has helped and we are going on night 5 of less than 3 hours sleep...that's including naps. I'm living off diet coke and I think for once Robert is happy to leave for work :) Any suggestions for getting her to sleep are welcome - this is definately a time when I wish grandparents were closer. But it's like my mom always says "This too shall pass!"

And we are still anxiously awaiting baby Mason!! It's getting soo close...not to put any pressure on Crissy or anything :)

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