Monday, September 21, 2009

Sweet Baby Blues

Today we had our first appointment with the pediatric opthamologist, Dr. Zane. He confirmed Reese has a closed tear duct, which is what we had assumed, but basically that causes all of the junk in her eye corner. Since it hasn't opened on its on he suggested a small outpatient procedure. So... Reese will be having her first surgery mid-October =( I am very nervous!! He seems to be a really great (and patient) doctor with a wonderful staff. By the time we left today Reese was running the nurses station! Also, it will be at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta which is supposed to be the best of the best!! Anyway, just keep her in your prayers!

We had a very trying morning...getting out in the flash floods, 2 hours in the doctors office - of course, 1 hr and 15 mins were in the waiting room (which any mom knows how hard it is to entertain a small child in a confined area!) but my lunch date more than made up for it! A lot of people assume that stay at home moms can go and do as they please - Any women who has tried to shop with a small child or spent their meal fighting a screaming child knows how not true that is!! Most days I barely get a shower in before 3 (if at all), everyone else is busy at work and I use nap times to embrace the silence. But today it was just Chil-Fil-A, me and Reese and we had the best little time! Since she was so upset after the doctor and I didn't want to drive in the rain we popped in to a Chil-Fil-A with a play-place. Reese was so happy to be out of the apartment and running around. With all of the rain we haven't played outside in over a week. Her dessert was apple juice, she normally can only have water or milk. The most precious point of the day was when she eyed the little juice box and started signing please. As I pulled out the mini straw she couldn't control her excitement and started grunting, yes grunting!! I think we entertained everyone there. I was so happy I had the time to sit there and just take it all in. I didn't have to go back to work, she doesn't have school, we had no where to be. I realized it won't be like this forever.

1 comment:

Prayer Warriors said...

Oh but for the moment it is this way, so savor the memories!!!