Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Fresh Beat Band

Reese has never watched a lot of television, she is more into coloring on the walls and listening to the radio. However, The Fresh Beat Band is her absolute favorite show!! It's a group of 4 kids (really adults in their mid 20s) who have a band and sing and dance. I think its relatively new to Nick so there are only about 10 episodes, it comes on so randomly and it's not on DVD. We finally DVR-ed the episodes so she can watch them at special times. It is 22 minutes we have to get things done!! Needless to say Robert and I know all of the little songs word for word! (It was a great day, it was a super way to spend the day together....)
Anyway, all you have to do is say "Ki-Ki" to Reese and she runs to the living room and starts clapping! I tried to get a little video.
*Ki-Ki is one of the girls in the band. The say her name first in the theme song


Prayer Warriors said...

Isn't she the greatest?!?! Maybe she could grow up to be a Kiki and not a Britney (spears, that is!)

Prayer Warriors said...

I like the way she keeps her refreshment close by!

Anonymous said...

She can dance!! Has Katie taught her how to tri-pod yet??