Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring in Tennessee

A big advantage of staying home with Reese means we can go visit our TN families for nice long visits. Robert took off last Thursday so we left early Friday morning and drove in. It is so much nicer when we have 3-day weekends to travel. Last weekend two of my high school friends,Chrissy and Tanner, got married!! And of course this next weekend is Easter! Instead of driving two weekends in a row, Robert flew back for the work week and Reese and I stayed in TN. I hope Su-Su and Granddaddy don't mind us staying too much ;)

I guess the traveling was exhausting for Reese because she didn't even make it to dinner Friday night. Robert and I took advantage and he headed to Memphis for some guy time at the casinos and I had a girls night! Something very rare for both of us!! Saturday was a busy day of playing. Reese got to go to Cabe's first t-ball practice then my dad pushed Reese and Cabe around on the four wheeler. Yes, I did say pushed. He couldn't get it to start so he pushed the little four-wheeler. That is what you call dedication!! They loved it!

Such a good granddaddy!

And then Saturday night as I mentioned was Chrissy and Tanner's wedding! Reese didn't get to go...I don't think she minded. Robert and I don't get to spend a lot of time "out" in Covington so the wedding was a lot of fun! I saw tons of people I probably haven't seen since high school! Nothing like a small town :) We had a great time and everything, especailly the bride, was beautiful!
So far this week we have been shopping with Su-Su, playing with Cabe every day, and sleeping/eating like an angel (not like that at home!)
Anna Laura and I got to take Reese on her first trip to Gus's. It's a very yummy fried chicken place in Mason (slightly outside of Covington). Anna and I have always loved going there so it was only appropriate she be there for Reese's first visit. Reese never tried a bite of chicken but loved the gum ball machine!

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