Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dog-Sitting Dani

As soon as we got back from Tennessee we picked up Dani, my friend Julie's dog. She was going out of town for the weekend so we offered to dog-sit. Needless to say Robert and I have had our hands full and my bag is still packed sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor...

Hmm...which one is hairier?!

The first night we picked up Dani Reese was sooo excited I didn't think she would ever settle down to go to bed. She was so afraid she might miss play time. Luckily Dani is a very sweet, passive little dog because Reese just hugged on her and laid all over her. Reese even thought they should share Dani's bed and food! It definitely tested my tolerance for germs - we and our apartment are due for a deep clean!
I couldn't stand it! If she was going to drink out of a bowl I had to get her her own.
And she was soo excited!!
Reese didn't want to stroll she wanted to help me hold the leash but Dani was so excited she would jerk Reese all around! Reese would run/waddle as fast as she could to keep up!

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