Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pork Chops

Reese is a very picky little eater. Her diet mainly consists of waffles, chicken and blueberries. She likes most pastas but it's getting her to even taste it that is a battle. Once she tries it she will usually dig in. She has never been much on meats other than chicken though so you can imagine our surprise when she ate two pork chops for dinner!!!!

We like to grill out when the weather allows but Reese usualy ends up eating the sides. This time, and I don't know why, she tried a bite of my pork chop. Next thing I know she isn't waiting on me to cut it up but has picked it up and is chowing down. After she finished what was on her plate and mine she signed for "more." In shock, Robert handed her another and before we knew it, she had finished her second!

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